Softcom is proud to add another masterpiece to their collection of medical software. Our latest offering is in the form of Blood Bank Manager V3.2: the complete software kit for managing a Blood Bank administration. This is a value added program that comes preloaded with a host of features, many for the first time.
The difference between Bloodbank 3.1 & Bloodbank 3.2 is that Blood bank 3.2 comes with Component Separation module. Rest all features are same.
- Blood Bank Manager V3.2 is a tried and tested Blood Bank management software program that has made Management Information System (MIS) reporting very simpler for Blood Banks. It has been developed keeping in mind FDA rules and regulations for Blood banks.
- Blood Bank Manager V3.2 is a Software which is very simple to use. It comes with host of MIS reports commonly used in Blood banks. It makes complete reporting work easy, reduces tremendous manpower and saves on various direct and indirect costs. Blood Bank Manager V3.2 is software, which is, must for each and every Blood Bank in India.
- Blood Bank Manager V3.2 has a rich collection many useful Reports, including Master Register, Donor register, Cross-Match Report and Adverse Reaction Register, Avidity and Potency reports, [A list of Reports/Registers is given below]
- Blood Bank Manager V3.2 has all the qualities of an ‘office in a box’ computer system. It does everything you are doing now, more efficiently; and has many more systems, which you wanted to do but could not due to various constraints. It will truly set you free. Life will never be the same again.
Why should you invest in Blood Bank Manager V3.2?
- If you were to do a Return on Investment (ROI) calculation on the Blood Bank Manager V3.2 Program, you will be surprised at the savings you would be making if you install Blood Bank Manager V3.2 software and how fast this expenditure is recovered from the cost savings it generates. For e.g.
- It does away with manual writing of Reports or filling up of Registers, thus saving on manpower costs.
- It does away with printing and maintaining pre-printed Reports, Forms or Registers, thus saving on printing and storing costs.
- The powerful search and cross check / match facilities again reduces the need for manpower and time.
- The accounting function needs only one person to operate it and can be done with other duties, again reducing manpower requirements.
It is an ‘Office In a Box’ System that allows you to do many things with fewer resources. It is a sure formula for increasing your Profits by improving your productivity.
- Database driven.
- Detailed Blood Bag Database
- Detailed Donor Database
- Detailed Patient database
- Search facilities by Donor, Patient, Doctor, Blood Bag, and other recognition clues. Correlation and cross referencing between files makes this an useful feature
- Exhaustive Report formats and Registers, many for the first time.
- The Accounting facilities include Patient’s Bills, Income Report, and Outstanding Balances.
- Inventory management of consumables.
- Re-agent Stock Book.
- Blood Donation Camp Management System.
- Administrative Support System.
- Programmable Hot Keys for frequently used operations.
- Reports on all types of printers. Dotmatrix/Laser/inkjet printer
Powerful search for Donor by Blood Group, Sex, City, Telephone Nos. You can apply combination search Ex. Blood Group & City, Blood Group & Sex & City etc.
Instrument Interfacing charges, features
We can connect Blood Bank Instruments to Blood Bank Manager V3.2 software through RS-232 Serial interface programming. Ex. Elisa Instrument, Hematology Analyser, Refrigerator temp control etc. Any instrument can be connected. Please let us know your requirement.
Master Register
Cross Match register
Donor Register
Daily Donor Record
Test Register
Issue Register
Cross Match Report
Donor list
Donor Card
Donor rejection / discarded report
Expiry status report
Patient list
Patient AccountRequisition register
Component stock report
Blood unit stock book
Adverse reaction register
Blood component report
Discard Register
Free card register
Avidity and Potency register
Camp Donor List
Camp Register
Employee Report
Referring Doctor Report
Donor History
Ideal Requirement:
- Central Hardware : IBM AS/400
- Terminals / Work Stations : IBM compatible workstation or PCs
- Central Hardware redundant / fault tolerant : Yes
The minimum Hardware configuration required to run this Program are:
- Pentium I or higher.
- Windows 98, ME, XP, 2000 or higher OS.
- minimum 40 GB of hard disk space.
- Windows compatible mouse.
- minimum 128 MB RAM.
- SVGA card with mono or colour monitor.
- CD_ROM Drive for installation.
Softcom is proud to add another masterpiece to their collection of medical software. Our latest offering is in the form of Blood Bank Manager V3.2: the complete software kit for managing a Blood Bank administration. This is a value added program that comes preloaded with a host of features, many for the first time.
The difference between Bloodbank 3.1 & Bloodbank 3.2 is that Blood bank 3.2 comes with Component Separation module. Rest all features are same.
- Blood Bank Manager V3.2 is a tried and tested Blood Bank management software program that has made Management Information System (MIS) reporting very simpler for Blood Banks. It has been developed keeping in mind FDA rules and regulations for Blood banks.
- Blood Bank Manager V3.2 is a Software which is very simple to use. It comes with host of MIS reports commonly used in Blood banks. It makes complete reporting work easy, reduces tremendous manpower and saves on various direct and indirect costs. Blood Bank Manager V3.2 is software, which is, must for each and every Blood Bank in India.
- Blood Bank Manager V3.2 has a rich collection many useful Reports, including Master Register, Donor register, Cross-Match Report and Adverse Reaction Register, Avidity and Potency reports, [A list of Reports/Registers is given below]
- Blood Bank Manager V3.2 has all the qualities of an ‘office in a box’ computer system. It does everything you are doing now, more efficiently; and has many more systems, which you wanted to do but could not due to various constraints. It will truly set you free. Life will never be the same again.
Why should you invest in Blood Bank Manager V3.2?
- If you were to do a Return on Investment (ROI) calculation on the Blood Bank Manager V3.2 Program, you will be surprised at the savings you would be making if you install Blood Bank Manager V3.2 software and how fast this expenditure is recovered from the cost savings it generates. For e.g.
- It does away with manual writing of Reports or filling up of Registers, thus saving on manpower costs.
- It does away with printing and maintaining pre-printed Reports, Forms or Registers, thus saving on printing and storing costs.
- The powerful search and cross check / match facilities again reduces the need for manpower and time.
- The accounting function needs only one person to operate it and can be done with other duties, again reducing manpower requirements.
It is an ‘Office In a Box’ System that allows you to do many things with fewer resources. It is a sure formula for increasing your Profits by improving your productivity.
- Database driven.
- Detailed Blood Bag Database
- Detailed Donor Database
- Detailed Patient database
- Search facilities by Donor, Patient, Doctor, Blood Bag, and other recognition clues. Correlation and cross referencing between files makes this an useful feature
- Exhaustive Report formats and Registers, many for the first time.
- The Accounting facilities include Patient’s Bills, Income Report, and Outstanding Balances.
- Inventory management of consumables.
- Re-agent Stock Book.
- Blood Donation Camp Management System.
- Administrative Support System.
- Programmable Hot Keys for frequently used operations.
- Reports on all types of printers. Dotmatrix/Laser/inkjet printer
Powerful search for Donor by Blood Group, Sex, City, Telephone Nos. You can apply combination search Ex. Blood Group & City, Blood Group & Sex & City etc.
Instrument Interfacing charges, features
We can connect Blood Bank Instruments to Blood Bank Manager V3.2 software through RS-232 Serial interface programming. Ex. Elisa Instrument, Hematology Analyser, Refrigerator temp control etc. Any instrument can be connected. Please let us know your requirement.
Master Register
Cross Match register
Donor Register
Daily Donor Record
Test Register
Issue Register
Cross Match Report
Donor list
Donor Card
Donor rejection / discarded report
Expiry status report
Patient list
Patient AccountRequisition register
Component stock report
Blood unit stock book
Adverse reaction register
Blood component report
Discard Register
Free card register
Avidity and Potency register
Camp Donor List
Camp Register
Employee Report
Referring Doctor Report
Donor History
Ideal Requirement:
- Central Hardware : IBM AS/400
- Terminals / Work Stations : IBM compatible workstation or PCs
- Central Hardware redundant / fault tolerant : Yes
The minimum Hardware configuration required to run this Program are:
- Pentium I or higher.
- Windows 98, ME, XP, 2000 or higher OS.
- minimum 40 GB of hard disk space.
- Windows compatible mouse.
- minimum 128 MB RAM.
- SVGA card with mono or colour monitor.
- CD_ROM Drive for installation.